- REGAIN AND RETAIN GUT HEALTH: Flora Adults Probiotic bolsters natural microflora to help you take back your gut health and then keep control of it
- CATERED FOR AGES 19-54: 6 Adult-Specific Strains with 17 billion CFU. (10 billion at expiration) Formulated to improve digestion, bowel movements, absorption of nutrients, and lactose intolerance
- HAPPY GUT HAPPY LIFE: Gut health is about more than just digestion and regular bowel movements, although those are important too. Poor gut health can also lead to a weaker immune system and other health issues. Good health starts with your gut!
- DESIGNED TO DELIVER: Unlike some others, Flora Probiotics use species found in humans not animals and are hardy enough without an enteric coating to survive stomach acid to get where they need to
- Gluten-Free Non-GMO Vegetarian RAW Science-Based